FAST COMPANY Learn to code in one day!!!


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Posted by on January 24, 2012 in Web Developing


Business Intelligence

I have had the luxury to be brought on board a team that specializes in business intelligence.   So I feel it is important to discuss just what business intelligence is, so as I grow and the company grows my focus will shift from me as one company to the team.

In this article I will define business intelligence and what your employer is doing with and how it affects your every day life as an employee.

WIKI defines BI below this is a good start.

Business intelligence (BI) mainly refers to computer-based techniques used in identifying, extracting,and analyzing business data, such as sales revenue by products and/or departments, or by associated costs and incomes.

BI technologies provide historical, current and predictive views of business operations. Common functions of business intelligence technologies are reporting, online analytical processinganalyticsdata mining,process miningcomplex event processingbusiness performance managementbenchmarkingtext mining and predictive analytics.

Business intelligence aims to support better business decision-making. Thus a BI system can be called a decision support system (DSS). Though the term business intelligence is sometimes used as a synonym for competitive intelligence, because they both support decision making, BI uses technologies, processes, and applications to analyze mostly internal, structured data and business processes while competitive intelligence gathers, analyzes and disseminates information with a topical focus on company competitors. Business intelligence understood broadly can include the subset of competitive intelligence.

Moving on companies use BI to improve decision making, cut costs and identify new business opportunities. BI is more than just corporate reporting and more than a set of tools to coax data out of enterprise systems. CIOs use BI to identify inefficient business processes that are ripe for re-engineering.

Although BI holds great promise, implementations can be dogged by technical and cultural challenges. Executives have to ensure that the data feeding BI applications is clean and consistent so that users trust it.

Business Intelligence is the forefront of changing businesses from the downside and returning revenue to the company.

With a small post like this I thought it was important to bring it up set the stage for things to come.

Till Next Team


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Posted by on January 9, 2012 in Web Developing


How Your Blog Title Impacts SEO

Titles, Titles, Titles

My thoughts on Tech, the Internet & Mobile Innovation

Blog Title Impact on SEO

If you are trying to increase traffic to your blog with SEO (Search Engine Optimization), how much thought have you been putting into your title? The title above isn’t very catchy is it? It’s not even that great from a grammar perspective.

However, based on some tinkering and experimenting I’ve been doing, it’s probably effective from a SEO point of view. Here are the rules I was trying to follow:

  1. Get the two or three most important terms that people will be searching for into the post title, first header and opening sentence. In this case I am on the hunt for SEO, Blog and Title. I should note its unlikely this will ever rank that high (too much competition from much larger sources), but for the purposes of this post, it is a good example.
  2. Put the key words as close to the start…

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Posted by on December 20, 2011 in Web Developing


Five Ways to Use the IPhone to Improve Your Business and Life…

Talking Odours

Owning an iPhone can save you time, help make life easier and even help you improve your business. The many applications available in the App Store caters to just about everyone with life-improving programs.

Here are five examples of how the iPhone can improve both your business and your life.

==> Read Websites Offline

Whether it’s at a metro station or on an airplane, there are often times when we’re stuck without internet and have nothing to do.

The iPhone, with the Instapaper application, allows you to save any webpage in its entirety to your iPhone. Any time you have a spare moment, just load up that webpage, even if you’re in a zero-reception area.

==> Listen to Audiobooks

Don’t waste the time you’re driving, walking or sitting on the bus. Any time you have a moment of downtime, why not spend it on your education?

The iPhone has several…

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Posted by on December 20, 2011 in Web Developing


Making SEO SEXY!!


My discussion is below, short and to the point feel free to contact me with questions.

Commit yourself to the process, when hiring your SEO PRO make sure you understand the process, it is not an over night process and a one and done deal.    So if your SEO pro is offering you a ONE NIGHT STAND you better look for a new PRO.

Become knowledgeable of the process:

Keyword Research– Finding the words that are relevant to your company and industry and applying them to your site, this is important for example my company is unique so my clients or potential customer are going to be searching for me directly meaning “Tahceo Industries” has to be plugged in to every search engine.

So, how do you determine what keywords are relevant for your site? First you need to put yourself in your consumers shoes to determine what words they would submit to the search engine when they are looking for you. Also, review your web site pages and pick out key phrases and words that best describe your business, product or service.

List these words and phrases as they will form the basis for optimising your web pages so that they will rank higher on the search engines. The more specific your keywords the better. Remember that single word keywords will have a lot more competition for top ranking search results than phrases.

Website Optimization – Your website has to be user-friendly, the right links and the structure has to be on point, you will need back links with the competition believe it or not your competition can make you look like a rock star!! Website optimization includes processes such as adding relevant keyword and phrases on the website, editing meta tags, image tags, and optimizing other components of your website to ensure that it is accessible to a search engine and improve the overall chances that the website will be indexed by search engines.

Content – Is your content prepared properly and does it flow through your site engaging the consumer, and making your company stand out.  Also making content original and to the point is probably one of the most important items.  All your text, direction, pictures, and videos have to fall in line with one another and be original.

Submission To Search Engines – With the number of search engines out there, you have to be submitted to the search engines.  Although the numbers can reach into the 100’s of search engines on the planet you want to make sure you are submitted and indexed.

Analyzing Your Site – You have to be able to track your visitors, and your ranking with many different tools out there to date the most reliable for beginners is Google Analytics because not only is it user-friendly it is client friendly.

In closing if you actually read my article and made it this far like the post and like me on Facebook and be sure to follow me on twitter I have videos coming soon!!
Till Next Time!!!
Lenn Vessell

Posted by on December 19, 2011 in MAKING SEO SEXY


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Get Your New Facebook Timeline Now!!!

Facebook made a huge change, out with the old and in with the new timeline.

What does that mean for the Facebook user….. Lets recap the past six months,  we now have tons of ads and a timeline that at times is filled with more ads than posts for some users.

Some settings can help negate the obvious issues but many users are discouraged by slow feeds and time lines that make the least of sense.  With the establishment of “Mandatory” grouping some of the most important feeds for a number of viewers has been lost in the masses.  So the question remains, is the NEW time line and layout going to prompt users to applaud the wide screen and photo layout with open arms?

If you’ve put embarrassing photos or posts on Facebook, you’ll have seven days after switching to Timeline to prune them from your profile before Timeline becomes the default look on your profile page.

Some are not happy with change so where do you stack out?

Below are the directions you will need to get the new timeline a week in advance.

In just seven days it all changes!!

Type “timeline” in your search bar. Click on “introducing timeline,” then click the “get timeline” tab at the bottom of the page.

Your profile page will then practically turn into an online scrapbook.

Off the top, when your friends visit your page, they will be greeted by a cover photo. This enlarged picture is different from your profile picture and should express your personality.

As you scroll down all of your status updates, photos, pretty much anything you post will attach to the timeline, with important memories of your life highlighted.

The new timeline feature also lets the movies you watch, books you read and music you listen to, be shared with your friends.

Now once you get timeline, you will have to move fast. Facebook gives you just one week to get it in order before your timeline is made public to your friends.

Till next time Tahceo……


Posted by on December 16, 2011 in Social Media


SERP Search Engine Results Page

What is SERP and why is it important WORDSTREAM pretty much nails it!!

Short for Search Engine Results Page, the Web page that a search engine returns with the results of its search. The major search engines typically display three kinds of listings on their SERPs. Listings that have been indexed by the search engines spider, listings that have been indexed into the search engines directory by a human, and listings that are paid to be listed by the search engine.

I HOPE ALL OF YOU SEE THE sarcasm in the picture above and the importance of SERP!!!  A little more below.

Whether or not you think that SERPs are important is up to you. If you have a website however, and would like it do well, it is the positioning of your website in the SERPs that should be of prime concern to you. Simply put if a user can’t find your site, how will they ever visit your site?

Some search engines cache pages for frequent searches and display the cached pages instead of a live page to increase the performance of the search engine. The search engine updates the search results periodically to account for new pages, and possibly to modify the rankings of pages in the search results.

Search result refreshing can take several days or weeks which can occasionally cause results to be inaccurate or out of date, and new sites and pages to be completely absent.

SERPs of major search engines like GoogleYahoo! and Bing may include different types of listings: contextual, algorithmic or organic search listings, as well as sponsored listings, images, maps, definitions, videos or suggested search refinements.

The major search engines visually differentiate specific content types, such as images, news, and blogs. Many content types have specialized SERP templates and visual enhancements on the main search result page.

So in closing, if you are a website owner and you hit the BIG three and the results of your search come back making you scratch your head, you know you need to contact your developer or hire an SEO pro.  Do your research though make sure when you go to your developer or higher a SEO pro you have the information you need to say “HEY WTF” I can’t find my website.

Till Next time……



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Posted by on December 15, 2011 in Web Developing


How to use Facebook Fan Pages to increase website traffic

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Posted by on December 12, 2011 in Web Developing


How to Start Link Building by Looking at Your Competitor’s Backlinks


Posted by on December 12, 2011 in Web Developing


Social Media Sharing’s Impact on SEO: 6 Lessons

My thoughts on Tech, the Internet & Mobile Innovation

People are Over Thinking Things

These days there is a lot of talk about the impact that social media has on SEO (Search Engine Optimization). How are search engines tracking social signals from Facebook and Twitter? What impact is Google + having on search results? etc etc.

I think about SEO a lot – it is part of my job. I also work for a company that is deeply involved in Social Media and blogs frequently. In part because of this, I come to the table with a different perspective. What I often find when I read about this topic, is that the key point is being missed. What’s important (for everyone but the most elite pros) is not what signals search engines take from social media. Its that if done well, social media sharing generates traffic on its own – traffic from interested readers. That’s why search engines (Google…

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Posted by on December 12, 2011 in Web Developing