Category Archives: Back Linking

Backlinking & Page Rank

So what is backlinking, in short it is the “art” LOL of creating links to your site and getting the consumer to “click”.  We have done alot of research on backlinks and the Page Rank Algorithm used by Google.

Web workshop describes PageRank as a numeric value that represents how important a page is on the web. Google figures that when one page links to another page, it is effectively casting a vote for the other page. The more votes that are cast for a page, the more important the page must be. Also, the importance of the page that is casting the vote determines how important the vote itself is. Google calculates a page’s importance from the votes cast for it. How important each vote is is taken into account when a page’s PageRank is calculated.

Webseo depiction of Googles Page Rank explained.

PageRank is Google’s way of deciding a page’s importance.

Here is a link that breaks it all down for you.

The Algorithm is explained here

Below is an exert from a ezine article that we discovered that best describes backlinking.

Backlinking is the process of creating links to your website. Each link means that someone is trying to inform others about some interesting page he has found. Therefore, the number of links is a measure of popularity or reputation of the page. The number and quality on backlinks is the basis of the PageRank algorithm used by Google web search. Google is by far the most popular and widely used search engine. The main reason for this popularity is the fact that it returns relevant results for every possible search phrase. Because of this many webmasters are trying to get as many backlinks as possible.

You can get backlinks on blogs, forums, Web 2.0 sites, website directories, articles or websites of other users. The easiest way to get a backlink is to have some useful content on the website and other users will find it and create a link to your page. This is called natural linking. Other methods mean using blogs and forums where you can participate in discussions and with some caution you can also promote your website. Most forums provide a feature called user signature. This is a short text where you can describe yourself or list your websites. Most blogs also provide place with every post where you can put url of your website. There is only one rule that needs to be respected. Never spam blogs or forums. Be useful and contribute to the discussion. Try to answer some question or offer help to other users. This way it will be much easier to promote your website.

There are two types of backlinks. Some are labeled with the “nofollow” attribute, others don’t have it. This attribute tells Google and some other search

engines not to follow this link and such links also do not contribute to the PageRank of the target page. You will find that most links on blog

s are nofollow. The best approach is to ignore fact this and simply create backlinks wherever there is an opportunity.

Another important property of every link is the PageRank of the page where the link is located. The higher the PageRank the more the link is worth. This means that you should invest some time to find pages with high PageRank where you can promote your website and create backlinks.

There are many different backlinking strategies. Some internet marketers only use blogs and forums, other use article marketing exclusively. The best approach is to try all of them and then decide which method is best for you.


Posted by on April 20, 2011 in Back Linking


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