Category Archives: Social Media

Get Your New Facebook Timeline Now!!!

Facebook made a huge change, out with the old and in with the new timeline.

What does that mean for the Facebook user….. Lets recap the past six months,  we now have tons of ads and a timeline that at times is filled with more ads than posts for some users.

Some settings can help negate the obvious issues but many users are discouraged by slow feeds and time lines that make the least of sense.  With the establishment of “Mandatory” grouping some of the most important feeds for a number of viewers has been lost in the masses.  So the question remains, is the NEW time line and layout going to prompt users to applaud the wide screen and photo layout with open arms?

If you’ve put embarrassing photos or posts on Facebook, you’ll have seven days after switching to Timeline to prune them from your profile before Timeline becomes the default look on your profile page.

Some are not happy with change so where do you stack out?

Below are the directions you will need to get the new timeline a week in advance.

In just seven days it all changes!!

Type “timeline” in your search bar. Click on “introducing timeline,” then click the “get timeline” tab at the bottom of the page.

Your profile page will then practically turn into an online scrapbook.

Off the top, when your friends visit your page, they will be greeted by a cover photo. This enlarged picture is different from your profile picture and should express your personality.

As you scroll down all of your status updates, photos, pretty much anything you post will attach to the timeline, with important memories of your life highlighted.

The new timeline feature also lets the movies you watch, books you read and music you listen to, be shared with your friends.

Now once you get timeline, you will have to move fast. Facebook gives you just one week to get it in order before your timeline is made public to your friends.

Till next time Tahceo……


Posted by on December 16, 2011 in Social Media