Category Archives: Start ups

The Top Ten Questions For Start-ups

This is a tough one and can be argued all over the place and many will say ok yea that makes sense and others will say wait a minute you are missing something here.

With that being said:

1. What is your idea and who is your target audience? 2. Add to that same question do you have niche?

3. In deciding your target audience you need to look at things like what is the age demographic this is going to be one of the biggest impacts on your business and second do you have something your target wants also same question lol this may turn out for more than ten?

Moving on……

4. You have competition how are you going to make yourself more appealing than your competitors?

5. When starting out in today’s world you are going to need a team to assist you an make it, for many this will be a milestone that will either make or break a start-up, this is coupled with trust.

6. You are starting a business you want to create a BUZZZZ that never goes away, how are you going to do that, unless you are in a market where you flow like the ocean currents this will be a challenge.

7. Be consistent if you have product or lets say software roll outs keep your target on point by effective upgrades and if there is a new version make sure your previous customers get the latest greatest roll out and sometimes this may come at your expense be prepared to drop the dime on loyal customers!!! After all they are the ones that made your business what it is today.’

8. Most importantly don’t be an “ASS” to your market, if there is a flaw in what you have rolled out correct it and move on let the consumer know you are there to fix any issues and make it right again this may be at your expense.

9. Lets talk pressure is your marketing failing and you feel that you need to pressure the consumer into this product or roll out even though you have the fix on the shelf waiting?

10. If you have a gut feeling follow it, cause 9 times out of 10 you are right!!

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Posted by on September 30, 2011 in Start ups