Tag Archives: blackberry themes

Lets Talk About The Cloud

So the biggest question from the everyday user not on the same level as us GEEKS,

Is what is the CLOUD?

Definition AS PER WIKI:

Cloud computing means using multiple server computers via a digital network, as though they were one computer. [1] Often, the services available are considered part of cloud computing.

Traditionally, without a cloud, a web server runs as a single computer or a group of privately owned computers. The computer(s) are powerful enough to serve a given amount of requests per minute and can do so with a certain amount of latency per request. If the computer’s website or web application suddenly becomes more popular, and the amount of requests are far more than the web server can handle, the response time of the requested pages will be increased due to overloading.

Cloud computing comes into focus only when you think about what IT always needs: a way to increase capacity or add capabilities on the fly without investing in new infrastructure, training new personnel, or licensing new software. Cloud computing encompasses any subscription-based or pay-per-use service that, in real time over the Internet, extends IT’s existing capabilities.

In the IT world cloud computing allows companies to provide services they may not otherwise be able to afford if they were to deploy their own systems. This then leads you to  CRM (customer relationship management) which is an information industry term for methodologies, software, and usually Internet capabilities that help an enterprise manage customer relationships in an organized way. For example, an enterprise might build a database about its customers that described relationships in sufficient detail so that management, salespeople, people providing service, and perhaps the customer directly could access information, match customer needs with product plans and offerings, remind customers of service requirements, know what other products a customer had purchased, and so forth.

So not only is the cloud often more economical for users or companies in many cases, it also means that the amount of computing horsepower we need will be greatly reduced. This is especially significant as more and more of our computing needs are being served by smaller and smaller devices such smartphones and tablets.

In a cloud computing system, there’s a significant workload shift. Local computers no longer have to do all the heavy lifting when it comes to running applications. The network of computers that make up the cloud handles them instead. Hardware and software demands on the user’s side decrease. The only thing the user’s computer needs to be able to run is the cloud computing system’s interface software, which can be as simple as a Web browser, and the cloud’s network takes care of the rest.

There’s a good chance you’ve already used some form of cloud computing. If you have an e-mail account with a Web-based e-mail service like Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail or Gmail, then you’ve had some experience with cloud computing. Instead of running an e-mail program on your computer, you log in to a Web e-mail account remotely. The software and storage for your account doesn’t exist on your computer — it’s on the service’s computer cloud.

There are 3 different types of cloud computing discussed below:

Infrastructure as a Service, or IaaS, gives business access to vital web architecture, such as storage space, servers, and connections, without the business need of purchasing and managing this internet infrastructure themselves. Because of the economies of scale and specialization involved, this can be to the benefit of both the business providing the infrastructure and the one using it. In particular, IaaS allows an internet business a way to develop and grow on demand. Both PaaS and SaaS clouds are grounded in IaaS clouds, as the company providing the software as service is also providing the infrastructure to run the software. Choosing to use an IaaS cloud demands a willingness to put up with complexity, but with that complexity comes flexibility. Amazon EC2 and Rackspace Cloud are examples of IaaS.

Platform as a Service (PaaS) clouds are created, many times inside IaaS Clouds by specialists to render the scalability and deployment of any application trivial and to help make your expenses scalable and predictable. Some examples of a PaaS system include: Mosso,Google App Engine, and The chief benefit of a service like this is that for as little as no money you can initiate your application with no stress more than basic development and maybe a little porting if you are dealing with an existing app. Furthermore, PaaS allows a lot of scalability by design because it is based on cloud computing as defined earlier in the article. If you want a lean operations staff, a PaaS can be very useful if your app will capitulate. The most important negative of using a PaaS Cloud provider is that these services may implement some restrictions or trade-offs that will not work with your product under any circumstances.

Software as a Service (SaaS) is relatively mature, and the phrase’s use predates that of cloud computing. Cloud applications allow the cloud to be leveraged for software architecture, reducing the burdens of maintenance, support, and operations by having the application run on computers belonging to the vendor. GMail and Salesforce are among examples of SaaS run as clouds, but not all SaaS has to be based in cloud computing.

Thats all for now peeps our next article is going to go into the drawbacks surrounding the cloud.


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Social Media & Reaching Your Consumer Base

So you are new to the social media world, or you have a small business you are trying to get off the ground.  With so many starting points, what is going to get you the most for your budget.  Also what are your goals and how easy or hard is it going to be to reach them?  Can you do it yourself or are you going to have to hire someone.

Well we can start with the obvious what is your business type and are you really gonna benefit from social media and the tools that are every where today.

Most small business models can benefit, so what is actually out there,  with so many platforms and companies that provide many so things that you can benefit from.  We will use two “fluid” companies than can give you the most.  Before we get there, ask your self this can you stay connected to your phone or laptop 24/7 pushing your company out to the public.   Most people are going to answer NO unless you are in fact a social media presence.

With an ever-changing online environment social media can run your business and bring in more revenue.  Getting to the point here, you have so many things on your plate outside of trying to build a successful business, get your website built, possibly a blog, Facebook, Twitter, Flkr, You Tube, Tumblr, Reddit, and Linked In just to name a few.

The building blocks should roll at the same time for example the “Big 3” your site, Facebook, and Twitter.   Your type of business will come into play here but for the sake of conversation we are going to keep it general.   So you have all three in place what now, how do you reach out to your consumer base, well the first thing is identify your base and find out what drives them.  Next equip your site properly with all the pertinent information and don’t overwhelm the consumer with information make them pick up the phone make them curious.   Also get an auto-responder at the very least and get those sign ups for your newsletter.  Without getting to far off track I will leave that to the next post.

So you have your Facebook and Twitter how are you going to get friends and followers, well that comes back to the old get your friends and family on board to start with.  Hoping that your business is legit that should be pretty easy to come up with the first 20-100 contacts.   Next reaching out with both platforms, is going to take posting accurate content and constant posts that are relevant to what you are doing.  But how can you do that all day everyday, two sources can help you and Sendible.   This will allow you to connect multiple social media platforms and post to all at the same time, this has been around for awhile but when looking at the mountain that social media is becoming it is important to remind the small business owner you can reach the masses.

Do you hire someone?  That is totally dependent on your budget and your knowledge of social media and what it can do for you.   At some point you are going to have to get out there and get a commercial or flyers or billboards depending on your consumers it is completely possible to make it using social media if you are in it for the long haul.   Set them goals see where things are at 6 months what have you achieve is the door opening or is the phone ringing.  With out going to far in depth Below are the two solutions check them out and see how they stack up!!

Check both of them out and see what you think, for all the monies worth our hands go out to Sendible, and for the free knock on your door and say this is what I am doing we will give it to Ping!

On that note we leave you with this>

Leave a comment

Posted by on May 28, 2011 in Your Consumer


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As a small business owner you have to understand and follow all the jargon that comes along with your site and what is important and what is not important.  So we are going to start with Search Engine Optimization and it importance.  Below is the definition, pretty much it says if the search engines don’t know you are there, then you don’t exist so you have to wonder is your developer putting you there or drinking a beer with your hard earned money. 

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines via the “natural” or un-paid (“organic” or “algorithmic”) search results. Other forms of search engine marketing (SEM) target paid listings. In general, the earlier (or higher on the page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine’s users. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image searchlocal searchvideo search, news search and industry-specific vertical search engines. This gives a website web presence.

Here is a look into Information NUTS SEO THOUGHTS

Next what is ROI in terms of your WEBSITE well there are many builders and developers out there you have to find which one is right for you but the real question is are you getting or going to get your Return on Investment?

What is ROI?

Definition: Return on Investment (a.k.a. ROI) refers to the revenue made on an investment. You can measure your ROI by comparing the expenses put into an investment, such as an SEO campaign, with the returned profit or long-term economic gains. Gauging your ROI is a good way to determine whether or not your company is benefiting from its current investments and marketing tactics.

Google has a great write up on Maximizing your Website and your Return on Investment

Thats it for today so much more to talk about lots of great content coming your way!!!


Posted by on April 19, 2011 in ROI


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Tahceo Industries

Hey everyone thanks for stopping by and checking us out, this is our blog and we are a year into hardcore development.  I really just wanted to use “hardcore” in our blog!!!  I am the founder of Tahceo Industries “TAHHHHH SEA OHHH” is how it is pronounced and there is a story behind the name.  I will get to that later on for now here is a little bit of Tahceo Industries below.

For those of you that have been waiting many things are in development and have been for sometime.  Our consulting and web development never stops with this ever changing world.   We love small businesses and showing them what is possible using social media, we come across so many clients that are frustrated and overwhelmed.  You will find that we use that phrase over and over because its the truth.  Every great idea comes with work and we make every effort to make that work a little less overwhelming.

One thing you will find is that we will keep everything straight up and try and explain and even at times steer away from the technical jargon that so many small businesses just can’t get grasp.  That is not a negative thing it is the plain an simple truth.

We work with developers all over the world and use a number of networks to get the job done no matter how small or large we have the capability and the drive to get you in front of the right audience.

We will post articles and videos that are relevant to the industry and at time if the nerve strikes right I will be off kilt and post whatever the hell I want for my company.

Now to get personal!!!!

I am not politically correct I will spell things wrong sometimes on purpose and my grammer will sometimes be a little off !!!

So if I am building a site for you, you better be proofing the content after all its your pride and joy thats on the line right?  Your ideas you dreams seriously I’m just kiddin.  Myself and my developers will work for you and make sure you content is on point an sending your business in the right direction.

Why?  You may ask well I have a passion for the web and social media!!!  We are changing the world one post, one site and one break through at a time.  There are millions of people out there with ideas that are too afraid to even attempt what they want to do.  You may not become a millionaire but what do you get for not trying NOTHING!!!!

OK back to where I was headed!!  I am a smartass and will tell you how it is, and back I tend to use well unacceptable language but I will get your attention with it and let you know the direction we need to go.  If I am taking over for another developer that YOU fired I will get to the bottom of where they went wrong and let you know.

So many business will hire a developer and say I need a site.  They will get that site built and months later ask well what happened?  You can have the best site on the planet but without search engine optimization (SEO) you are going to stand still and spend your wheels.

Some of our work in the past year has been with and for:

These are just a few we are also provide:

Event Management, Graphics and Full Scale Marketing Campaigns we reach out around the globe and bring the most talented people to the table when it comes to any number of requests by our clients.

Some of the things we are in Development with are:

A new website builder (TURTLE WORX)  for the consumer and business owner that again is not daunting and overwhelming especially when you don’t want to spend thousands on a site that is far out of reach.  We will guide through the process and make it all very easy.  SEO will be included, we have already launched this is our venue for potential clients so they can see a product as it grows prior to pre-launch.

Before I go we are also working on Thin Air holdings this is a year long event that includes me banging my head against the desk but very soon you will see just how we can make something not so real with reach!!!!

For our supports thanks for checking us our and if you are from our EMPIRE then you have a treat coming your way!!!!! Keep buying and you will be very surprised!!!!

Thanks Lenn Vessell

Tahceo Industries


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