Tag Archives: socialmediaworld

Social Media & Reaching Your Consumer Base

So you are new to the social media world, or you have a small business you are trying to get off the ground.  With so many starting points, what is going to get you the most for your budget.  Also what are your goals and how easy or hard is it going to be to reach them?  Can you do it yourself or are you going to have to hire someone.

Well we can start with the obvious what is your business type and are you really gonna benefit from social media and the tools that are every where today.

Most small business models can benefit, so what is actually out there,  with so many platforms and companies that provide many so things that you can benefit from.  We will use two “fluid” companies than can give you the most.  Before we get there, ask your self this can you stay connected to your phone or laptop 24/7 pushing your company out to the public.   Most people are going to answer NO unless you are in fact a social media presence.

With an ever-changing online environment social media can run your business and bring in more revenue.  Getting to the point here, you have so many things on your plate outside of trying to build a successful business, get your website built, possibly a blog, Facebook, Twitter, Flkr, You Tube, Tumblr, Reddit, and Linked In just to name a few.

The building blocks should roll at the same time for example the “Big 3” your site, Facebook, and Twitter.   Your type of business will come into play here but for the sake of conversation we are going to keep it general.   So you have all three in place what now, how do you reach out to your consumer base, well the first thing is identify your base and find out what drives them.  Next equip your site properly with all the pertinent information and don’t overwhelm the consumer with information make them pick up the phone make them curious.   Also get an auto-responder at the very least and get those sign ups for your newsletter.  Without getting to far off track I will leave that to the next post.

So you have your Facebook and Twitter how are you going to get friends and followers, well that comes back to the old get your friends and family on board to start with.  Hoping that your business is legit that should be pretty easy to come up with the first 20-100 contacts.   Next reaching out with both platforms, is going to take posting accurate content and constant posts that are relevant to what you are doing.  But how can you do that all day everyday, two sources can help you and Sendible.   This will allow you to connect multiple social media platforms and post to all at the same time, this has been around for awhile but when looking at the mountain that social media is becoming it is important to remind the small business owner you can reach the masses.

Do you hire someone?  That is totally dependent on your budget and your knowledge of social media and what it can do for you.   At some point you are going to have to get out there and get a commercial or flyers or billboards depending on your consumers it is completely possible to make it using social media if you are in it for the long haul.   Set them goals see where things are at 6 months what have you achieve is the door opening or is the phone ringing.  With out going to far in depth Below are the two solutions check them out and see how they stack up!!

Check both of them out and see what you think, for all the monies worth our hands go out to Sendible, and for the free knock on your door and say this is what I am doing we will give it to Ping!

On that note we leave you with this>

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Posted by on May 28, 2011 in Your Consumer


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